Paint your pet workshop
“Paint your pet” workshop Teaching art is my something I love to do, combine this with teaching you how to paint using my signature style and this makes for a great workshop. Once again I am holding a Paint your pet Workshop. In the past these have proved to be very popular, and the results are amazing. From people with artistic knowledge and experience to the beginners, everyone leaves with a stunning pet portrait. I have taught at several workshops now and each one has been an amazing experience. I have been fortunate to meet some wonderful artists and beginners , and been lucky enough to help them on their art journey. A great learning opportunity At one of my workshops you will learn a few valuable tools to enable you to paint from a photograph. Pet portraits are fun as you already have great knowledge about your chosen subject, and that helps with the fine detail. DAY ONE Step one: Learn how to stretch watercolour paper. This is so the paper dries flat when you apply large amounts of water. The paper is soaked so the paint will run and blend during the process of painting the background. Without stretching the paper it will dry buckled, this doesn’t come out either, making framing almost impossible. You can create a fantastic piece of art that is ruined by buckled paper. Enlarging a drawing from a photograph Step two: You will learn is how to use a grid to enlarge a photograph. This is a fantastic way of enlarging or reducing an image, you can pick out fine detail, shading, shapes and know the proportions and the placement is correct. Essential for a good pet portrait! Here two students, one a total beginner, are enlarging their photographs. This was from a workshop in the Porongorups, WA Step Three: Learn about warm and cool colours and how to paint “wet on wet” to achieve my signature backgrounds. I give you a material list of paints to buy and brushes that will be used in this workshop, that way everyone is using the same colours as I use, a great way of making a start to your art supply collection. I use tubes of watercolour paint as they go further and spread easily during the wet on wet process. Once the portrait is drawn the background is completed. That concludes day one of the workshop. DAY TWO Step four: The next day students learn how to paint the portrait, what colours to use to achieve my signature rainbow styling, and tips and hints to achieve a great portrait. Step five: Pen work. I use pen work on top of my portraits to add extra depth and texture. I use a draftsman Rotoring ink pen but a artline fine marker works just as well. Finally the white gouache, the end touch, the dot in the eye or highlight that finishes the portrait. Not one student has left any of my workshops so far without a fantastic painting. I am thrilled that some have attended several of my workshops, and all students agree they have learnt a lot of valuable information during the workshop. I like to think that I can help them to gain confidence and most of all enjoy the process. The workshops are full on, busy, and most of all FUN! Want to book a workshop? My workshops are advertised on my Facebook Art page, the next on is the 18th and 19th of March, 2023, where I have 3 places still available. The cost is $250pp. You can contact me about doing a workshop, either by using the contact form on this website, or through my Facebook page. I work in my studio at my home in Pinjarra, Western Australia, and can take 6 comfortably in a class. Otherwise if you can rustle up some like minded friends, (no more than 10) I could possibly come to your venue, within Western Australia. (travel cost apply to workshops in states outside the southwest WA)